Kratom and Coffee

Kratom and coffee


20 Aug, 20200

Kratom and Coffee

Comparing Kratom and Coffee

Kratom and coffee come from the same plant family called the Rubiaceae family, also known as the Coffee plant family. Coffee has been most people’s go to source for energy for centuries and is currently being consumed worldwide at a rate of over 400 billion cups each year. Often consumed multiple times a day for its stimulating effect, it’s popularity is undeniable. Coffee has truly stood the test of time. Heck, even the mass market energy drink craze couldn’t keep most consumers away from their cup of joe for too long. Simply because it does what it says it will do and without any extra additives.

Coffee beans come from coffee trees and are found in the pit of the tree’s fruit. These trees are much smaller than their cousin tree the Kratom tree and produce much less per year. Coffee trees are found all over the world, but predominantly grown in South America, Asia and East and West Africa.

Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree grown in Southeast Asia with green traditional “leafy” shaped leaves. This plant is in the coffee plant family and as a result it is known to produce a similar stimulating effect to that of coffee. The main difference being that Kratom has also been known to have a variety of additional benefits such as reduced anxiety, mood-enhancing effects and even analgesic effects. So while Kratom and coffee come from the same plant family and coffee can certainly get the job done when you need to get your day started, adding Kratom into the mix can aid in increasing nutritional benefits.

Mixing up Your Energy Sources 

Coffees main alkaloid, the driving force behind it, is caffeine. Caffeine, much like any other stimulant is one which you can build up a tolerance to after consuming the same amount over a non-specified period of time. 

If you yourself are a regular coffee drinker I’m sure you have experienced a change in tolerance over the years. Maybe when you first started out you were a one-cupper and then gradually that turned into two and then three and maybe even more. Adding Kratom to your daily coffee routine or even alternating between Kratom and coffee can help you overcome this tolerance hurdle. 

Kratom Strains that Compliment Coffee

The two most complimentary Kratom strains to add to your coffee habit are the greens and the whites. For example Green Maeng Da, Green Malay, and White Samarinda would all work well for a Kratom and coffee blend. 

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