How to Make the Best Kratom Blends

Beautiful woman smelling kratom


19 Mar, 20212

How to Make the Best Kratom Blends

If you are even the slightest bit familiar with the Kratom world, you probably know that there are three main color strain families: red, green, and white. However, have you ever wanted to mix and match your Kratom but are unsure how? Here is a quick guide on making the best Kratom blends.

The Kratom Color Families Explained 

First, here’s a brief explanation of what each color family does independently. 

Red Vein Kratom– Red Kratom strains are called the “slow strains,” reportedly providing a relaxing, sedative and analgesic effect. 

White Vein Kratom– White Kratom, referred to as “fast strains,” reportedly promotes focus, energy and motivation.

Green Vein Kratom– Green Kratom strains, also known as “medium strains,” provide a hybrid of the effects of red and whites, energizing yet relaxed.

So which ones do you blend to make the best Kratom blends? The best rule of thumb here is to combine two strains you’ve already tried and liked. 

How to Choose Your Blend

The first step in choosing your Kratom blend is knowing what effects you want. A quick reference for this is Energy and Concentration – White Strains; Mood-Boosting – Green Strains; Relaxed Experience & Analgesic Effects – Red Strains. Then choose your secondary or complementary strain based on effects. Here are a few examples:

Green & White: If you want light, happy energy, try mixing your favorite white and green strains. Just remember that if you put in more of one over the other, you will likely experience more significant effects of that strain. For instance, more white than green could result in a more stimulating strain, and more green could leave you with less energy. Maybe try Green Elephant and Super White Borneo for this one. 

Red & White: If you want an analgesic effect without the sedative effects, try mixing your favorite red and white strains. The energy of the white will counter the results of the sedative effects of the red; for this combination, many Kratom users like Red Bali and White Maeng Da

Green & Red: If you are looking to experience an overall sense of well-being, an analgesic effect and relaxation plus some energy and focus, try the perfect blend of green and red. For this, Kratom users often reach for Red Thai and Green Maeng Da

Why Not Try Our Professional Blends?

With customer input, Kingdom Kratom recently launched three NEW blends that address everyday needs. We’ve taken the guesswork out of blending by creating three strains with unique effects. They are aptly named: CALM, BOOST and BLISS. And now there’s a special sample pack that includes all three. 

Also, perhaps most importantly, you’ll ward off any tolerance to one strain by using different strains and blends. Remember when you had your first cup of coffee, and it gave you such a strong caffeine buzz? But after a while, you were drinking three cups of coffee daily for the same effect? The same principle applies to Kratom.

The Kingdom Kratom family wishes you luck with your Kratom blending endeavors. At Kingdom Kratom, all of our products are sourced from within Indonesia and are from verified Kratom farmers with whom we have built strong relationships. Furthermore, our products are tested and packaged in the United States. In addition, our team here at Kingdom Kratom are Kratom experts and are always happy to answer any questions that you might have.

2 thoughts on “How to Make the Best Kratom Blends

  1. William Monahan says:

    Thanks Katy. I’ve blended before but I honestly didn’t know how much I was affecting the Kratom mood or energy result. I just threw them together. I’ll use my brain next time:)

  2. Amy Wike says:

    Potentiators are also great. Lemon juice and turmeric are my main 2. But dont stop with just kratom. Find out what other kinds of herbs can work with it ?

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