Facts About Kratom

Kratom Powder


22 Sep, 20220

Facts About Kratom

The vast world of alternative plant-based medicines and supplements includes many different substances. Kratom is a plant native to Southeast Asia, where for centuries, locals have used it as a mild stimulant and treatment for various ailments. In this article, you’ll learn essential facts about Kratom – its history, why it is growing in popularity, how to use it, and tips on where to buy it.

What is the History of Kratom?

This unique herb comes from the Mitragyna speciosa tree and has had medicinal uses in Southeast Asia since the 19th century. The tropical evergreen tree is a member of the coffee family native to the tropics of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea. Kratom leaves contain two primary active ingredients (mitragynine and 7-hydroxy mitragynine). Traditionally, the leaves are crushed, smoked, brewed with tea, or placed into gel capsules. Locals also refer to Kratom as thang, ketum, and biak.

For centuries, workers in the field have used the leaves of the Kratom tree for medicinal purposes and as a worker’s aid to supply energy and endurance. Chewed Kratom leaves in cultures where the plant grows are used to relieve musculoskeletal pain, increase energy and appetite, heal wounds, and as a local anesthetic.

Extracts and leaves treat coughs, diarrhea, and intestinal infections. In Thailand, Kratom was “used as a snack to receive guests and was part of the ritual worship of ancestors and gods.”

What is the Primary Use of Kratom?

Today, as its popularity has grown in North America, Kratom has become the go-to option for many who seek natural choices to relieve their acute and chronic conditions. Well known for offering users mood-elevating and stimulating experiences, Kratom can provide the benefits of energy, relaxation, and pain relief. However, WebMD says that people primarily use it for its many mood-enhancing effects and secondarily for pain management. 

Kratom has several reported benefits that can change your day-to-day life for the better when consumed regularly. Here are the most common effects reported by Kratom users:

Is Kratom Legal?

Kratom is legal under federal laws in the United States. However, because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has failed to recognize and regulate it, states and jurisdictions can apply their laws. As a result, some states and jurisdictions have banned its use, while others have legalized it with some or no restrictions. 

Kratom is banned in a few states, but a federal effort to ban Kratom nationwide in 2016 failed due to a public outcry. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) later withdrew an FDA request to classify Kratom as a Schedule I controlled substance, citing a lack of evidence of potential abuse. A former HHS official said the FDA rejected a proposal to ban Kratom because of “embarrassingly poor evidence & data.”

Not all federal agencies take such a dim view of Kratom. A 2020 study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) concluded that Kratom is an effective pain treatment, helps users reduce their use of opioids, and has a low risk of adverse effects. NIDA recently had a public hearing on Kratom to further explore its therapeutic uses. Nevertheless, in May 2022, for the sixth time, the approval of Kratom was again denied, citing insufficient evidence.

That brought a rebuke from Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), who has supported efforts to keep Kratom legal. He called the FDA’s position on Kratom “extremely antiquated.”

The American Kratom Association (AKA) has an up-to-date map showing each state’s current Kratom laws. 

Where Can I Buy Kratom? 

If you are interested in trying Kratom, the best place to buy it is online because you’ll find the best pricing, the freshest product, and plenty of choices. You’ll also find more knowledgeable people to guide your journey.   However, to ensure you purchase a quality product, do your research. There are reputable Kratom vendors who sell high-quality products and not-so-reputable vendors selling poorly sourced and low-potency Kratom. Sorting out the quality sellers from those who aren’t so good can be time-consuming and complicated, especially given the growing number of vendors from which to purchase it. 

How Can I Find the Best Online Kratom Vendor? 

One of the best and quickest ways of finding a good online vendor for Kratom is by doing an Internet search and looking at a company’s website. It should be professional, educational, and easy to order. Also, search the company’s Google customer reviews — many Kratom users are willing to share their feedback. In addition, look to see if the company offers a variety of strains and products. Finally, make sure the company provides a solid guarantee for products purchased.

The Kratom community is a passionate one. Customers enjoy sharing their excitement and passion for Kratom in various reviews. In addition, many customers offer tips on which strains to try and recommendations for a dose. In conclusion, educate yourself before buying. Do your search for Kratom products more deliberately by using the Kratom Guidebook before making your purchase.

With quality Kratom, you’ll experience potent and long-lasting effects. For some, Kratom is an excellent alternative to energy drinks or coffee. Many others use it as a replacement for a cocktail at the end of the day. For athletes, this might be the boost you need to take your workout to the next level. Whatever your needs, there will surely be an excellent Kratom strain for you.

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