Turmeric and Kratom


9 Oct, 20200

Turmeric and Kratom

If you are already a Kratom connoisseur you have most likely heard about the use of Kratom and turmeric together. They are quite the dynamic duo and compliment each other very well, with both of their unique benefits and effects married together, they bring out the very best in each other. 

What is Kratom? 

Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa is a tropical evergreen tree of the coffee plant family and is native to Southeast Asia, it’s largest producers being Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Kratom powder and leaves have been used for centuries by Southeast Asians as an aid for work and for medicinal purposes. Kratom has recently gained a significant popularity in Western civilization and can be found in many forms from capsule to powder, as well as more concentrated forms such as extracts and even gummies. And even though Kratom is legal to buy and sell, the FDA has not officially approved it for consumption. 

Kratom Benefits 

As it is from the coffee plant family it should be no surprise that Kratoms most well known benefit is as a stimulant. With a variety of additional benefits such as analgesic effects, reduced anxiety and mood enhancing abilities, Kratom has quickly become a staple for people looking for a natural alternative to their western medicine options. 

Turmeric as a Kratom Potentiator

Turmeric is a spice that also happens to be a very powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory as a result of its active ingredient called curcumin. This powerhouse of a spice can fight free radicals in your body, boost your immune system and assist in preventing heart disease, Alzheimer’s and cancer. It has so much potential on its own, so when you add it to your daily Kratom you not only add the benefits of the spice, you increase the potency of the Kratom as well as lengthening the duration of the Kratom effect. When used in this way turmeric is now considered to be a potentiator or any drug, herb or chemical that can be added to a supplement to increase its efficacy. Turmeric is in fact one of the strongest Kratom potentiators there is. It is also important to note that turmeric is most effective when taken with BioPerine (black pepper extract). 

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